Workshop: Dynamic developments over complex networks

Warsaw, 25-26 October 2006

Organized by

ICM (Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling),
Warsaw University.

Scientific chair

Marek Niezgódka (ICM)


M. Niezgodka
A. Trykozko
M. Cytowski

Objective of the Workshop

Dynamic developments over structured networks arise as driving components of a large variety of complex processes. It proves insufficient to account at their modelling for topological and algebraic characteristic wherever physical and chemical properties play quantifiable role. Modelling of a real-world processes related to process dynamics on networks often requires accounting for geometry of channels at the same time representing network edges and their transport properties, intrinsic driving mechanisms and their kinetics/dynamics for network edges.

As for the geometry, not only shapes but also scaling effects require an appropriate consideration. Another type of features there refers to inhomogeneity of the channels system regarded as medium, with physico-chemical characteristics showing strong variability up to reaching singularity limits. Internodal connectivity and related redundancy effects rise often non-trivial questions. The categories of phenomena of interest range from macroscopic transport (convection) down to microscopic diffusion. Formation of structures and patterns in space, localization effects, in particular impact of local activation on spreading and equilibrium configurations belong to challenging mathematical topics in the above context.

Applications to physiology, including cardiovascular flows, spreading phenomena in brain among others represent one of the areas of interest. Information networks and propagation processes there, with references to chemistry, define another antipode.

The workshop is aimed at showing unifying classes of research problems on one hand, and to selected methods, combining mathematical, computer science, chemistry and physiology approaches, on the other. The organizers intend to foster interactions among participants that hopefully should facilitate new collaborations and result in new insights.

The workshop is organised within the frames of the Polish-German Graduate College.
