WARSAW, 27-29 SEPTEMBER, 2011 |
Anna Marciniak-Czochra (BIOQUANT/IWR, University of Heidelberg)
Zuzanna Szymańska (ICM, University of Warsaw)
Anna Trykozko (ICM, University of Warsaw)
This workshop is devoted to mathematical modelling of the
population dynamics including spatial aspects, such as intra and extra
cellular transport of molecules, and physiological heterogeneity.
The main lines of the workshop will be devoted to:
- nonlinear structured population models with applications to epidemiology and cell biology
- mechanisms of formation of spatial structures in the systems of reaction-diffusion type
(hysteresis-driven and diffusion-driven (Turing type) patterns),
- models of cell signalling including spatial transport of signalling molecules in the cytoplasm
- mechanisms of cancer development and invasion
The talks addressing various aspects of mathematical modelling and model analysis will be supplemented by the biological presentations referring to experimental evidence of the considered processes.
Presentations will concern model building based on underlying biology
and also mathematical methodologies applicable in construction and
analysis of the models. Special attention will be given to the numerical approaches to solve multiscale problems and
comparison between mathematical descriptions on different scales.
History of our meetings:
The workshop is organised within the framework of the PhD Programme: "Mathematical Methods in Natural Sciences" and Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational Methods for the Sciences.