Application |
The International Graduate College is constantly looking for
highly qualified students with outstanding study records. The
number of stipends varies however, and is limited by the
available financial means of the Graduate College.
Interested students should submit their applications to
Vice-Chairman of the Graduate College
Dr Anna Trykozko
e-mail: gradkol@icm.edu.pl
Questions concerning the scientific aspects of a possible doctoral
fellowship will be directly addressed to the corresponding
scientific group.
A candidate applying to the Graduate College must meet
the following minimal criteria
- possess an academic degree compatible with the
requirements for a doctoral student status in one of the
participating faculties
- grades well above-average
- proficiency in English
- scientific interest that is in agreement with the
research topics of the Graduate College
- will and capability to actively participate in
the Graduate College
Candidates that pass through the first stage of the
selection procedure are then addressed to potential
supervisors. The supervisors are independent scientists that
participate in the work of the Graduate College. If the
supervisors accept the candidate, the next step is to work
out the details of the PhD project.
Candidates with a promising background and convincing
application material will be invited to present themselves
in front of a selection committee. The selection committee
then decides about acceptance of the candidate, based on
- the written dissertation proposal and a work programme,
- a 15 minutes oral presentation of the candidate (in
English) with following discussion,
- the certificates of academic qualifications, CV, list
of publications, and other achievements of the candidate
- the two letters of recommendation,
- a written statements of both envisaged supervisors that
the project has been worked out with their active
participation and that they are committed to act as
supervisors. Furthermore, one of the supervisors must
declare himself thesis advisor and assign the place where
the conferment of doctorate will take place.
The most important decision criteria are
- the scientific qualifications and the personality of the
- the scientific value of the proposed project and work
programme, in particular their degree of
interdisciplinarity and innovation,
- the success prospects of the project depending on the
qualifications of the candidate and the prospective
engagement of the advisors.
The selection committee can impose conditions on or
modifications of the project.
In the case the candidates are PhD students or workers
of scientific/academic institutions, a statement from their
superiors is required expressing the agreement to the
participation of the candidate in the Graduate College, and
especially to long-term research stays at IWR.
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